Sedation Dentistry

If you’re afraid of going to the dentist, you’re okay! A lot of people develop anxiety because they’ve experienced previous discomfort at the dentist. You might also have very sensitive dental nerves. It’s understandable. 

Sedation methods can protect you from discomfort and even take away your anxiety. We are masters of different levels of sedation and methods. Sedation can even make patients forget the experience of a procedure.

If you’ve had major trouble at the dentist before, please contact us and let us know. We can compassionately discuss your options and help relieve your fears. At Petrini, we are discreet and warm with all our patients, treating the mouth with gentle care.


How Do We Give Sedation? 

Our methods of sedation are not scary. The simplest one is just taking a pill an hour before your appointment. It will start to relax you and make the whole process easier for you. 

The other type of sedative is laughing gas. All you do is breathe normally on a tiny device. It’s very easy to use and has helped relieve mild and moderate anxiety for decades. Amazingly, laughing gas leaves the system so quickly that you can drive afterwards.

Contact Petrini for Anxiety Relief

If you’re tired of being anxious about dental visits, please contact us. We’ll treat you with respect. We value your call, no matter what your decision is. We’d love to simply discuss your needs, give our feedback, and offer our help. Contact us for a stress-free conversation.